Zizhu High-Tech Park Ranks 14th in National High-Tech Parks
2017-12-28 931

The torch center of the Ministry of Science and Technology recently issued the “notice of the evaluation (trial) results of national Hi-tech zones”. Zizhu Hi-tech Zone moves up 2 places to 14 in the 147 national Hi-tech Zones in 2017.

Zizhu Hi-tech Zone was included in the national Hi-tech zones evaluation and assessment system of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2012. The comprehensive ranking moved up from 28th in 2012, 24th in 2013, 18th in 2014, 17th in 2015, 16th in 2016 to 14th in 2017. The evaluating system consists of four modules including knowledge creation and technology innovation ability (30%), industrial upgrading and structural optimization ability (30%), internationalization and the ability to compete globally (20%), the sustainable development ability (20%) with a total of 40 statistical indicators (including 32 quantitative indicators and 8 qualitative indicators). The torch center audits and examines the statistical data submitted by the companies in Zizhu Hi-tech Zone and investigated these companies on irregular basis. After that, the torch center issues the final comprehensive ranking and announces the ranking results.

The single indicator ranking shows that Zizhu ranks 13th in knowledge creation and technology innovation ability, 17th in industrial upgrading and structural optimization ability, 10th in internationalization and the ability to compete globally and 15th in the sustainable development ability. Zizhu has clear advantages in High end and international talents in-troduction, technical contract tran-saction, the income level of the employees and the optimization of exports.

Party secretary and vice general manager Luo Shanying said that although Zizhu ranks higher in the comprehensive indicators after 15 years of development, there is still room for improvement in entre-preneurship carrier construction, the fostering of leading technology companies, the operation and profit making ability of Hi-tech companies and the financing of the companies.

The Hi-tech Zones in Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Changsha and Hefei etc. made considerable im-provements in technical innovation, the transformation of scientific and technological results and city-industry integration and the comprehensive rankings moves up every year. Zizhu Hi-tech zone will continue to learn from other Hi-tech Zones, give full play to its advantages in operational mechanisms and institutional systems to promote the sustainable development and achieve new results in the com-prehensive ranking in National Hi-tech Zones.