Basic Information:

In 2003, the Management Committee of Shanghai Zizhu High-Tech Development Park was established. The Management Committee of Zizhu High-Tech Development Park, on behalf of the district government takes the responsibility of the major problems, projects and special funds, and drafts up the development strategy, annual work plan and fund budget for Zizhu High-Tech Development Park.

Director of the Minhang district acts as the director of Zizhu High-Tech Development Park Management Committee; the managing director and chairman of Zizhu High-Tech Park (Group) acts as the deputy director of Zizhu High-Tech Development Park Management Committee; the deputy director of the Minhang district, vice chairman of Shanghai Zizhu High-Tech Park (group) acts as deputy general manager of Zizhu High-Tech Development Park Management Committee. The members of Zizhu High-Tech Development Park Management Committee include The Development and Reform Commission, Economic Commission, Science and Technology Commission, Finance Bureau of Minhang District, Wujing Town, Xu Bridge Town, Shanghai Zizhu Hi-Tech Park (Group).

In 2019, Zizhu High-Tech Development Park Management Committee set up an office. The director of this office is acted by the director of The District Economic Committee and the Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Zizhu High-Tech Park (Group). The specific responsibilities of the management committee office are as follows:

1. Responsible for formulating the implementation rules of special funds;

2. Responsible for proposing funds budgeting and organizing project review;

3. Responsible for preparing the budget and final project report, and adjusting the project budget based on the feedback from Zizhu High-Tech Development Park Management Committee;

4. Responsible for the specific use and management of funds, and cooperating with the district finance bureau to conduct funds utilization evaluation;

5. Publish related funding management information.