The Comprehensive Ranking of Zizhu High-Tech Park Moves up for 7 Consecutive Years
2018-12-07 933

The Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology recently issued a notice on the results of the evaluation (trial) of national Hi-tech Parks. Zizhu National Hi-tech Park ranks 13th among the 157 Hi-tech Parks in 2018, moving up one place from 2017.

The comprehensive ranking of Zizhu Hi-tech Park has been improving for 6 consecutive years since in participated in the evaluation and assessment system in 2012. The ranking rose from 28th in 2012 to 24th in 2013, 18th in 2014, 17th in 2015, 16th in 2016, 14th in 2017 to 13th in 2018.

The National Hi-tech Park eva-luation system consists of 40 statistical indicators in 4 modules including knowledge creation and technology innovation ability (30%), industrial upgrading and structural optimization ability (30%), internationalization and the ability to compete globally (20%), sustainable development ability (20%) (32 quantitative indicators and 8 qualitative indicators). This evaluation and assessment is conducted according to the statistical data and the development of Zizhu Hi-tech Park in 2017.

The evaluation results of single index shows that the knowledge creation and technology innovation ability of Zizhu ranked 11th, the industrial upgrading and structural optimization capability 21st, the internationalization and the ability to compete globally 27th. The sustainable development ability of Zizhu ranked 6th. The evaluation guidance shows that Zihzu has outstanding performance in talent organization optimization, enterprise R&D investment, technical cooperation, international talent ga-thering, talent training with advanced degrees, export structure optimization and other aspects.

Party secretary and vice general manager Luo Shaning, said that Zizhu will focus on building Shanghai In-novation Center and carrying out the requirements of innovation driven development strategy. Zizhu will make continuous efforts to achieve progress in comprehensive ranking, entrepre-neurship carrier construction, leading technical enterprises nurturing and enterprise going global. Zizhu will learn the successful practices of other Hi-tech Parks in technological innovation, transformation of technological ach-ievements and industry-city integration and continue to give full play to the advantages in operational mechanism to achieve high-level sustainable development and form a demonstration effect.