The Groundbreaking ceremony of Zizhu Digital Plaza reconstruction project was held on the morning of July 30, 2019. Mr. Xia Guang, the vice general manager of Zizhu Hi-tech Park and the general manager of Zizhu Digital Hub, Mr. Lu Weiwu, the vice general manager and the chief engineer of Zizhu Hi-tech Park, Mr. Ren Man, the vice general manager of Zizhu Digital Hub as well as the relevant personnel from the constructional engineering center of Zizhu Hi-tech Park and Zizhu Digital Hub attended the ceremony.
Lying to the south of Dongchuan Road and to both sides of South Lianhua Road, Zizhu Digital Plaza reconstruction project is adjacent to the university campus in the north and the research and development base in the south, with a total land area of 66,599 square meters and a total construction area of 256,842 square meters. The reconstruction project includes building No. 1 high-rise research and development building, the ground research and development supporting building and the underground two-storey parking and commercial space. The No. 2 to No. 7 research and development building will be reserved and the negative first floor will be renovated. After completion, the digital plaza can provide nearly 120,000 square meters of research and development space, 3,700 square meters of small theater (536 seats), 3,000 square meters of boutique supermarkets, 3,000 square meters of enterprise exhibition halls, and 36,800 square meters of catering and retail services. The underground parking garage on the second floor will provide 1600 parking spaces. The reconstruction project will be built into the TOD core complex together with the underground subway, ground bus station and taxi station.
The buildings of Zizhu Digital Plaza is a semi-circular arc along Dongchuan Road, making full use of the difference in terrain height to make the buildings interact with the square space and create a dynamic urban space. With the height of 60 meters, Building No. 1 facade is designed to form a unique and innovative image through volume segmentation and crisscross. by increasing the green platform, the public green space can be extended and combined with the public urban space, greatly improving the urban interface along Dongchuan Doad.
No. 15 Subway is planned to be opened to traffic by the end of 2020. Zizhu Hi-tech Park Station adopts the large-scale development plan, which is connected with the sunken square and underground business streets through multiple subway entrances and exits and connection channels. The underground space for the planned subway Line 23 is also reserved to ensure future connectivity with Zizhu Digital Plaza.
As a dual-subway cover project and relying on Shanghai urban core radiation function, Dizhu Digital Plaza makes use of convenient traffic conditions and combines with building innovation center of south Shanghai. The plaza will be built into a new landmark for innovation and entrepreneurship and will provide highly efficient platform, high-quality property space, diversified business environment and a high standard of urban outlook for R&D persons, university teachers and students.