The central team of No. 6 Spaceflight Institute visits Zizhu Park
2005-05-23 684

In the afternoon of May 17, 2005, Mr. Zhang Yufeng, the secretary of No. 6 Spaceflight Institute Communist Party and vice president of the institute, and a delegation visit Shanghai Zizhu Science-based Industrial Park. Mr. Huang Furong,the secretary of Minhang Communist Party and other government officers accompany the delegation.

Mr. Chen Yong, the vice general manager of Zizhu delivers a report on the park’s achievements in marketing and construction. The delegation also has a tour to Zizhu Digital Hub and Riverside Boulevard.

The delegation is greatly impressed by the master plan, quality construction, hi-tech projects and skilled human resources. Mr. Zhang Yufeng and other delegation members speak highly of Zizhu’s tremendous achievement in about two years.