Delegation from OMRON visit Zizhu Park
2004-11-10 617

The senior managers’ delegation from OMRON, led by its general manager Mr. Sakuta Hisao, visit Zizhu Park on Nov. 05, 2004. The delegation is warmly received by Prof. Xie Wushen, Mr. Shen Wen, the chair of board and managing director of the park; Mr. Xia Guang, the executive director of the park.. On behalf of the Park and Jiaotong University, Mr. Shen and Prof Xie, expressed their warm-hearted welcome and made a detailed presentation on the achievement the park has acquired while progressing to the vision of “ ecology, humanity and science”.

The distinguished guests highly appreciate the strategy of merging the university campus with the park, and combining the development of the industry with the development of research to build up a modern and hi-tech science-based industrial park.

The two sides also exchange the ideas on extensive issues of mutual interest.