Microsoft Open Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
2014-01-20 660

On January 16, 2014, Microsoft Open Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was officially established in Zizhu Hi-tech Zone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft, the company is the second independent legal entity in China in addition to Microsoft China. It is Microsoft's second subsidiary committed to building bridges between Microsoft and non Microsoft technologies.

A professional experienced technical promotion team in open sourcing and open standards will be working for the company. By increasing investment in interoperability, open standards and open sourcing, the company will promote the interaction between Microsoft’s exclusive development process and the technology innovation under the "services and equipment" strategy. Focusing on China local partner relationship, the company will cooperate with more open sourcing technology communities to help them inter work with the outside world.

The company will be more speedy and flexible. It will provide more and better choices for local customers in building a team knowing the standards, cooperating with the standards organizations, seeking open sourcing technologies fully developed by China, deepening Microsoft product interoperability and standards investment, giving back to the open sourcing community and helping open sourcing software in Microsoft platforms such as Windows Azure.

"China is Microsoft's strategy center. Over the past few years, Microsoft significantly increased R&D investment in China. While participating in global product development, it helped meet the needs of Chinese customers, partners and the government. The company will provide more choices for customers and developers and bring more technical innovation to cloud computing, big data, mobile, business, government and consumers.” Zhang Yaqing, the vice President of Microsoft and the President of Microsoft Asia-pacific R&D Group said.

Since the "big data plan” initiated by Microsoft CEO Steve ballmer in 2013, Microsoft's server and tools business in Zizhu National Hi-tech Zone is becoming the top priority. The establishment of Microsoft Open Technologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. helps a lot in implementing the program. With the investment increase in China and the development of "cloud and big data", Microsoft will definitely create a more brilliant future in Zizhu.