Zizhu High-Tech Park Improves Financial Environment to Help Small and Medium Sized Technology Enterprises
2018-11-27 961

How to solve the difficulties for small and medium sized private enterprises in financing and help them develop has become the hot topic for the government and financial ins-titutions. Minhang District Government held the symposium on "minhang finance supporting the development of private enterprises" for the re-presentatives from of Banks, Hi-tech Parks and enterprises on the afternoon of November 23, 2018. Governor Ni Yaoming listened to the opinions and suggestions from all parties and proposed measures and requirements. Chen Heng, vice general manager and financial director of Zizhu Hi-tech Park, assistant financial director Cai Guang-ping and vice general manager of Zizhu Rootstock Fund Yang Haizhong at-tended the symposium.

Vice general manager Chen Heng signed the promotion cooperation agreement of "Zizhu Hi-tech Park Technology Finance Innovation Service Information Platform" with Minhang Finance Office, Wujing Town and Zero-bay respectively on behalf of Zizhu Hi-tech Park. Zizhu Hi-tech Park takes the lead in Minhang District in solving the financial difficulties of technology co-mpanies in Zizhu Hi-tech Park through providing financial information. This platform has become the "label brand" of Minhang District's featured financial innovation services.

As the only national Hi-tech Park operated by a private company, Zizhu Hi-tech Park has a personal feeling for the operation of private enterprises. It has a deep understanding of the financing difficulties of the small and medium sized enterprises. In order to effectively alleviate this problem, the administrative committee of Zizhu Hi-tech Park entrusted Zizhu Rootstock Fund to build "Zizhu Hi-tech Park Technology Finance Innovation Service Information Platform" since 2017. The special fund from Zihzu Hit-tech Park was introduced to promote the in-depth cooperation between technology enterprises and finance. The information platform passed the first phase of acceptance inspection on September 12 this year. The innovations in technology, mode, service and mechanism effective-ly improved the technology finance service capacity of Zizhu Hi-tech Park.

Zizhu Hi-tech Park will give a full play to the superiority of the ag-glomeration of innovation resources and promote the financial information platform. Based in Zizhu Hi-tech Park, the platform will serve "Zizhu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Corridor" and covers Minhang Distrcit to make contribution to building the southern innovation center of Shanghai and national technological achievements transfer and transformation demon-stration zone.